The journal 'Intuitions & Insights' is a Publication of Raghunathpur College. It is published from Raghunathpur College, Raghunathpur, Purulia 723133, West Bengal, India.
Detailed Publisher Information:
Publishing Body: Raghunathpur College
Address: Raghunathpur College, Raghunathpur, Purulia 723133, West Bengal, India.
Chief Patron:
- Dr. Sadhana Khawas, President, Governing Body, Raghunathpur College & Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Sidho Kanho Birsha University, Purulia, West Bengal, India, Email:
- Dr. Srinibas Nandi, Teacher in Charge, Raghunathpur College, India, Email:
Associate Editor:
- Dr. Sk Amanathulla, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Raghunathpur College, India, Email:
Managing Editor:
- Dr. Dyuti Samanta, Librarian, Central Library, Raghunathpur College, India, Email: