“Intuitions & Insights” is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal launched in 2024. The journal welcomes original research contributions from a variety of disciplines (Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences) and interdisciplinary perspectives in English Language. It aims to publish journal articles a regular intervals on emergent scientific phenomena, current economic and socio-political affairs, historical and cultural events, environmental issues and many more. It appeals to original articles from scholars, educationists, academicians and researchers of various universities and institutions. The Journal covers different types of publications such as original scholarly articles, research communications and review articles in all disciplines.
The journal has been published Bi-annually by Central Library, Raghunathpur College, Purulia, West Bengal, India. The Monsoon Issue will be published in July, while in January the Winter Issue will emerge.
Focus and Scope:
The “Intuitions & Insights” is a peer-reviewed journal with its biannual frequency. This journal is a unifying force, going across the barriers between disciplines, and addressing all related topics and materials. An eminent Editorial Board (along with an Advisory Board) comprising renowned academics from various fields guides our editorial policy and direction. The Journal is devoted to the publication of original research (Research paper, Review paper, Short communication) covering the different areas of Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences. In Humanities, Literature and Linguistics Study, Social Sciences, History, Political Sciences, Sociology, Philosophy, Economics, Commerce, Library and Information Science, and Sciences, Biological Sciences such as Zoology, Botany, Ecology, Environmental Sciences and Pure and Applied Sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Data Science have covered.
Nature of Publication and Frequency:
Web only. An e-copy of each issue is available on the Raghunathpur College website.
Peer Review Process:
The peer review process for the journal "Intuitions & Insights" is given below-
1. Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts electronically through the journal's online submission system. They must adhere to the journal's guidelines regarding formatting, word count, and citation style.
2. Initial Screening: Upon submission, the editorial office conducts an initial screening to ensure that the manuscript meets the basic requirements of the journal. This includes checking for plagiarism, adherence to ethical guidelines, and alignment with the journal's scope and aims.
3. Editorial Assessment: The Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor or an Assistant Editor evaluates the manuscript to determine its suitability for peer review. They consider factors such as the significance of the research, its relevance to the journal's audience, and the quality of the writing.
4. Peer Review: If the manuscript passes the editorial assessment, it is sent out for peer review. The journal follows a double-blind peer review process, where the identities of both the authors and the reviewers are kept confidential. Reviewers, who are experts in the field, provide feedback on the manuscript's methodology, originality, clarity, and significance.
5. Decision: Based on the reviewers' feedback, the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor decides on the manuscript. The possible decisions include:
Acceptance: The manuscript is accepted for publication without further revisions.
Minor Revisions: The manuscript requires minor revisions to address specific issues raised by the reviewers.
Major Revisions: The manuscript requires substantial revisions before it can be considered for publication.
Rejection: The manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal.
6. Revision and Resubmission: If revisions are requested, the authors are given a specific timeframe to revise their manuscript and address the reviewers' comments. Upon resubmission, the revised manuscript may undergo further review or be sent back to the original reviewers for evaluation.
7. Final Decision: Once the revised manuscript is received, the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor assesses whether the revisions adequately address the reviewers' concerns. They make a final decision on whether to accept the manuscript for publication.
8. Publication: If the manuscript is accepted, it undergoes copyediting and formatting to ensure consistency with the journal's style. Once finalized, the manuscript is published online and, depending on the journal's frequency, may appear in a subsequent print issue.
Throughout the review process, the journal prioritizes fairness, transparency, and constructive feedback to maintain the quality and integrity of the published research.
Yet to Announce Soon.